the BOX of nice things

29 June, 2008 . 12:07 AM
black and white

Despite much prior speculation, the truth still came crashing down hard. Well, it probably wasn't the complete truth too, but it was already more than enough. What will happen will come. There is no point trying to blame who or what.

Let it be a quick and clean one.



22 June, 2008 . 9:51 AM
unsure and afraid

I need to talk about it but haven't any proper chance yet.

What was our individual agenda? Or was there any in the first place? After all it seems like a common tactic of the local species.

I need advice from experienced parties.

Didn't thought there was a chance. And then someone brought up the "Never say never" thing. Now I'm no longer sure how I want it to move on from here.

Or maybe I did not occupy my time enough. Or maybe I'm just bored.



12 June, 2008 . 11:37 PM
download day

It's been decided that Download Day will be on 17th June, which is NEXT TUESDAY~!!

Cough cough go away~~~ I wanna go PC show so that I can get that Sony Ericsson phone I've been eyeing since God-remembers-when. It is like cheaper by at least $300! Gotta resist the temptation to splurge on gadgets...

*Push it out of mind*

*Concentrate on next Tuesday*



08 June, 2008 . 6:27 PM
firefox 3

I was using Firefox 3 until that Trojan and Maple problem I had a few days ago. After clearing the Trojan, I had to downgrade to Firefox 2 in order to download and install Maple. And then the next thing I know, they have come up with a Download Day "to help set the record for most software downloads in 24 hours". Ain't it interesting?

From my personal experience, Firefox 3 is a computer idiot friendly web browser which outdoes it's current ancestor Firefox 2 with a neater interface and user-friendly shortcuts.
"I pledge to get Firefox 3 during Download Day to set the Guinness World Record for Most Software Downloaded in 24 Hours."
Gosh I can't wait!!!
