the BOX of nice things

28 February, 2010 . 9:45 PM
hello march!!!

February is such a short month! A turn of the eye and tomorrow is March!

First was the search for immortality and dinner with the nicest group mates!!!

The freaked out Ricola~

Ting and lapy's 过大礼..

Ming's POP from MP...

And mummy is 4 years more than half a century old!!!

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15 February, 2010 . 1:15 AM
gong xi fa cai

Mummy asked me to help arrange her mandarin oranges, but scolded me when I was done!

This was what I did... She should praise me instead!

May the Tiger year be a prosperous and fruitful year for all!



06 February, 2010 . 7:54 PM
new mad man in da house, yo!

He uses all sorts of crazy ideas with stop motion. Damn! He is mad good! There is this, this, this, this...

The mad list goes on and on~~~



03 February, 2010 . 9:48 PM
power outage

Haven't been doing things productive, nor am I in the mood to do so. It is like a rock stuck in the engine. Totally unmotivated.

Remember those days in secondary school, where English teachers will emphasize on the 5Ws and 1H.

WHO would you look for in times of joy, sadness, anger and fear?
WHAT if you realized what you have been believing did not exist?
WHEN was the last time you laughed so heartily, you felt it radiating from your skin?
WHY would we want to know something which was not intended for us to discover?
HOW does it feel like to be someone else?

So they say, "Look forward to the future."

And I tell myself, "Go get moving..."
