the BOX of nice things |
26 April, 2009 . 11:35 PM
record week To the babies of the week: haikal, xindy and shuxuan, ![]() Damn tired. Never on the laptop for the whole of saturday and most of today! Think that should set some record. Labels: blood runs thicker than water, friends stay with you 0 comments20 April, 2009 . 9:58 PM
pooh and piglet Labels: doo-dles doo, very random 0 comments18 April, 2009 . 11:08 PM
boys over flowers: la romanesca (jihoon theme) |-0-1-0-1-0------------------------0---0----------------0---0------------| |-----------3-1-1—0---0------0------0-------------1------0-----------1--| |---------------2----2------2---1----------2-----2-------------2----2----| |---------------2---------2--------------------2------------------2------| |---------0--------------------------------0-------------------0---------| |----------------------0------------------------------0------------------| |-0-1-0-------------------------0---0--------------0---0-----------------| |---------3-1-1--0----0------0----0----1--0----------0----------1--------| |-------------2----2-------2---1--------------2---------------2----------| |-------------2----------2--------------------0-------------2------------| |-----0--------------------------------0------------------0---------2----| |---------------------0--------------------------0-----------------------| |--1--3--1--0-----0------1-3---1--0------0-------0-----------------------| |--------0------3--------------0-------1------3-----3--1-0-1----0---0----| |-----0--------------0---------------0--------4--------2----------2------| |--------------------------0---------------------------3-----------------| |-----------3---------------------3--------------------------------------| |----------------------3-------------------------------------------------| |--------------1--3--1--0----0------1--3--1--0------0------0-------------| |--------1-----------0-----3---0----------0-------1------3---3--1--0-1---| |------2----------------------------------------0--------4------2--------| |----2------------0--------------------0------------------------3--------| |--0--------2-----------3--------------------3---------------------------| |---------------------------------3--------------------0----------------0| |-----------------------------------5------------------------------------| |--0---0-------------------5--------5------------------------------------| |----2--------2--\--4---\-5---------5------------------------------------| |-----------2------------------------------------------------------------| |---------0---------------------0----------------------------------------| |------------------------------------------------------------------------| *Thanks to huiqi who found the video! Labels: friends stay with you, music entertainment bugg 0 comments15 April, 2009 . 10:29 PM
take a slow deep breath Labels: very random 0 comments11 April, 2009 . 8:26 PM
a little bit of this and that Sceneric view from my corridor... Hmmm... A burial for a stranger during dinner with shuxuan this week... He fell right 'plop' on our table intruding on our dinner. What kind of burial does he expect but an informal one (with receipt and mustard sauce). Btw did i mention how good the botak jones sausage was? BAGUSSS!!! Good meat inside QQ skin. Bite through it will "doiiiing" that kind of feel. Dinner then continued on nice and tasty until he decided to perform the resurrection ritual on himself. YES! He started crawling out from under his grave! We were completely freaked out. Thanks to the kind uncle who helped us get rid of him in the end. (: Okinawa dinner with 2 of my favorite girls at nirai kanai. The ambience, people and food all very authentic-ally okinawa!!! And then "japanese gourmet town:": Botejyu from Osaka, Yoshimi from Hokkaido, and Ajisen from Kyushu - central, north, and south of Japan. The curry soup and okonomiyaki was super nice!!! The couple that sat down at the next table came in and asked the waiter for help. He then introduced the menu to them. In the end they ordered the same thing as us. HAHAHAHAHA~ Ahting say they copycat! Yesterday daddy was using THE vacuum to clean our mattresses and pillows. Hehe dumbo and piglet both looked SUNKEN inside... I finished watching "boys over flowers" over the holiday~~~ NICE! Someone tell me WHERE, oh where, can i find my own Jihoo sunbae?!?!?!?! Gentle nice and always there` a shwioon maeum in gul a shwioon maeum in gul~ Labels: good food, music entertainment bugg, very random 0 comments05 April, 2009 . 8:02 PM
whirl of events ![]() Friday night finally went to mama house. Her fried rice was superb. How I miss her cooking so. It has been a while since I last visited. Even tesia also don't recognize me. She forgot her 阿圆姑姑 ): But after five minutes she take her book out to ask me read to her, hahaha... and play ball with her. Ahting: tesia say goo goo gaa gaa?The photo of me and her ah dong is she take herself one! Many more of photos she took in her own cellphone! I've to admit she is good!!! ![]() V8 cafe at bugis on saturday after tuition. Haven't been here since forever, but the food was not as bad as geokleng had commented. Check out kelda's "vanilla blue" mocktail... super pretty~ and then my passionfruit soda was like the one I love from Fish&Co. And then we went to recce the new shopping mall: iLuma, next to bugis village. Super cool building. The building was very grand and majestic from the outside. With lots of white star-like decoration. The interior was also fantastic!!! There's a restaurant similar concept to "New York New York" cannot remember the name of it already. They are giving out free goodie bags to their first 50 customers on the 10th april!!! Then got "Otaku House" also. A pity hui cannot decide on a watch that she likes. But the bugis village there selling budget fashion watches at only 5 bucks each. Got tempted into buying 2! Hahaha kelda also bought 1 herself, despite just buying 1 at the pasar malam near our house. ![]() Went straight to 小姨 house to stay straight after bugis. Spot ahjun's foot with ahming's head! Hehehehe... Blaardy hell regret for fooling around when i should be in lala-land. Had to wake up at not 6 nor 5 but FOUR AM. FREAKING F-O-U-R! When not even the birds are up! Went to find 外婆 at the choa chu kang cemetery. Now I know her name is 林金娥. Had to write on all the paper money piles so that the money will reach her after burning. Then still must circle her name after writing in case they cannot see. 外公 one was shifted to senja soka centre. Fell asleep during the chanting session (my sleep debt is catching up with me!) but that one was less interesting than the traditional one at 外婆's tomb. And 外公 is called 翁享铺! (: Needs to repay my sleep debt~! Labels: blood runs thicker than water, friends stay with you 0 comments03 April, 2009 . 12:01 AM
brain dead 有话想说,但是非得想清楚了再写。 也不是什么大事,只是现在懒惰想。 Looking forward to meeting ups and lesson to start!!! Labels: as an intern, very random 0 comments |