the BOX of nice things

26 November, 2009 . 1:56 AM
twenty twelve

Just finished the show 2012. It is not as bad as what my sis and bro critic... But some (LAME) parts you really have to give it to the director, hands down. Wonder if the book was actually written the way it was screenplayed. Hmmm...

If tomorrow would be the end of the world, what would you do? My first reaction was go back to sleep. On second thoughts though... Nah~ I won't do that... I'll make sure to call everyone I love and say so (before the phone lines get cut). Or even better, find them and hug them! Don't wanna be like that ah pek who never made it...

Then on the 3rd... why do I need to wait for the end of the world before telling people I love them? Why not do it whenever you mean it and feel it? And when the day really comes, you stay at the side of your family...

the way home hall

All the way, enjoying the breath of fresh air and clear night sky, the bright half moon and twinkling stars. It is not as bad as people think. It soothes the soul and clears the mind.


Back to earth for now~

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