the BOX of nice things |
30 September, 2008 . 1:04 AM
cao ge is married He ![]() is married... ): 金曲歌王曹格被爆已与台湾造型师女友吴速玲结婚生子,他躲避两天后,昨天(26日)透过亲笔英文信间接承认已婚,其它不愿多谈。不过,据其圈内好友透露,他低调是因新娘怀孕不到3个月,推估就是在7月5日金曲奖高喊“我不是gay”期间“中奖”,当时他遭同志抨击消费性向,如今又引来歌迷质疑有宣传演唱会之嫌,果然难逃金曲魔咒,目前为止,下个月的演唱会只卖出5成的票。Ahhhhhhh... The more I see him the more I find him cute!!! Here and here... Oh no oh no... Especially the photos on the facebook group. Labels: music entertainment bugg 0 comments28 September, 2008 . 10:05 PM
wangwang is WangWang is feeling down WangWang is sick of all these acts WangWang is in need of a break from all these WangWang is still confused WangWang is unable to be honest to her heart WangWang is not looking forward to her birthday WangWang is planning how to run away Labels: blood runs thicker than water, you are weird 0 comments26 September, 2008 . 1:33 AM
be humble My one week holiday, out of the 5 weekdays, I had to go back on 3. Haha, but it is still much better than waiwai who, after tomorrow, went back for all 5 days. Journeys to school are always so long and boring with nothing to do. Reluctant to read my lecture notes also. In the end I picked up reading: "The New Human Revolution" again. A small paragraph I read today which I liked very much... The French historian, Jules Michelet (1798-1874), wrote: "The more life mixes with lives different from itself and the more it joins itself with other existences, the stronger, happier, and more fruitful is its own existence." In other words, it is by encouraging and inspiring one another in the vast ocean of humanity that we become human in the truest sense.The abstract was from The People, the translated version by John P. McKay. Not everyone can be always right. Quite oppositely, anyone can be your teacher. Therefore it is important to be humble. Listen and learn from others and then self-reflect. Remaining stubborn and refusal to listen to others' advices will not get us anywhere. Labels: precious lesson to learn 0 comments23 September, 2008 . 11:17 PM
jaded Been busy recently with interviews, tests, assignment, projects and what-nots. That day right after I published my last blog entry, all hopes were diminished. Everything turned out to be a lie, fabricated to cover up another lie. I'm tired of all these... Just hope that she will be fine. Now I am in this predicament where I can no longer trust enough to venture. I am really very sorry for having to disappoint. I am disappointed in myself too... Labels: you are weird 0 comments17 September, 2008 . 12:03 AM
family 中秋佳节庆团圆。 团圆 - where my chinese name 圆圆 came about. After knowing this it always make me feel responsible to bring my family together. That is why I do not want to tell you what to do, mummy. Whichever way it is, we had a suspiciously enjoyable full moon night. Joyce forwarded this email which I thought was very meaningful... it's kind of long though: 這一天的哲學課,教授站上了講台 Labels: blood runs thicker than water 0 comments15 September, 2008 . 1:08 AM
half time entertainment When two people get too bored studying... They tend to do stupid things... ![]() This one is by qi... ![]() This is mine... ![]() Let our powers combine on msn~ That day studying at the computer lab would have been so boring if not for her! wai and yu also got join us subsequently. Labels: friends stay with you 0 comments . 12:26 AM
no skin mooncake 失败 失败~ 我的冰皮月饼不成人形! After the making of ondeh-ondeh episode, my new challenge was the snow skin mooncake... Turn out the recipe that I followed for the snow skin seems impossible to follow. Used the same ingredients but the mixture turned out runny. Had to use my own agar-ation to make it possible to knead. However the taste was totally weird. On the other hand I thought the red bean paste turned out pretty well. 没有月饼,至少还有红豆沙。(: What's next? Labels: mini mini adventures 0 comments13 September, 2008 . 11:11 PM
他的故事 今天听到了一位同学为了读大学的辛厉,才惭愧没有好好珍惜自己拥有的。 因为看他的样子很凶,所以就随口问了问他的朋友他的人怎么样。原来 他是理工学院的学生。父母不知道是不愿意还是没能力供他读大学,所以他毕业后,进入社会勤奋做工,省吃俭用,拼命的存钱,工作表现好,薪资就高。在这段期 间,他可以为了省钱,一天只吃一餐…终于让他在两﹑三年内筹到了$30,000。 且外听他朋友说,在他工作的当儿也写了很多研究报告。他也曾受邀于我们学 校的“副校长”到学校的研究所做。只是因为读书方面考试欠佳,觉得自己应付不来所以拒绝继续作。虽然读书能力不是很强,但是仍在尽力,因为辛苦过,所以珍 惜能读书的机会。 平时自己吃自己,我已有那么一丝丝﹑一点点不甘愿。但是这一听了他的故事,知道有人的处境比我还惨却也没放弃,就更有决心要珍惜自己所拥有的机会。 大家也是哦!不要埋怨,也不要泄气,继续努力~ 总有一天会出人头地的! Labels: precious lesson to learn 0 comments . 10:14 PM
office ladies These are some back-dated photos from last week I think. ![]() ![]() ![]() 大家都变成上班女郎了~ Labels: friends stay with you 0 comments . 10:03 PM
chicken chop My mummy went to the Hokkien Society (福建会馆)Mid-Autumn Festival celebration last week and won a "CHICKEN CHOP"!!! ![]() Not chicken cutlet... is CHICKEN CHOP!!! Here's a "chop" of it: ![]() It's actually quite cute!!! hehehe (: Labels: very random 0 comments12 September, 2008 . 1:02 AM
ipod nano chromatic so niceeeeeeeeee~~!! Labels: technology geek 0 comments09 September, 2008 . 10:18 PM
诚实点 猪头,为什么总是口是心非? Labels: you are weird 0 comments08 September, 2008 . 11:56 PM
tired of project To all my friends struggling over the 3005 design project: Do not, and I really mean w t f ! @ # $% ^ & * Labels: very random 0 comments . 12:50 AM
Sentosa Trip ![]() picture perfect? Labels: mini mini adventures 0 comments07 September, 2008 . 7:12 PM
Not A Day Goes By - Lonestar A nice song that 老板 recommended me... Can click "我是白痴" to listen... hahaha~ Got a picture of you I carry in my heart Close my eyes to see it when the world gets dark Got a memory of you I carry in my soul I wrap it close around me when the nights get cold If you asked me how I'm doin' I'd say just fine But the truth is baby, if you could read my mind Not a day goes by that I don't think of you After all this time you're still with me it's true Somehow you remain locked so deep inside Baby, baby, oh baby, not a day goes by I still wait for the phone in the middle of the night Thinkin' you might call me if your dreams don't turn out right And it still amazes me that I lie here in the dark Wishin' you were next to me, your head against my heart If you asked me how I'm doing I'd say just fine But the truth is baby, if you could read my mind Not a day goes by that I don't think of you After all this time you're still with me it's true Somehow you remain locked so deep inside Baby, baby, oh baby, not a day goes by Minutes turn to hours, and the hours to days Seems it's been forever that I've felt this way Not a day goes by that I don't think of you After all this time you're still with me it's true Somehow you remain locked so deep inside Baby, baby, oh baby, not a day goes by Labels: music entertainment bugg 0 comments04 September, 2008 . 1:51 PM
out of time Used to think I have all the time in the world. Suddenly it does not seem so anymore. It is as if time is no longer on my side now. Like I am running out of time in my life. Like anytime something is going to be taken from me. Labels: very random 0 comments02 September, 2008 . 12:19 AM
attachment headache NOTE: Some of the listings may contain up to 50 or more pages. Please refrain from printing the whole list if the no. of projects is more than 20 as it will be a waste of papers and resources - WOW!!!. Not going to be able to make it. Dateline: Tomorrow 1700hr. Labels: very random 0 comments01 September, 2008 . 9:33 PM
七十年后 - 陈晓东 Song can be found here : 妈妈,第—句开口说的话, 怕怕,拨电话没有人接答, 抱抱,或许很久才回来吧 原来这是需要一个人才有的牵挂 亲亲,忘记不重要的东西 笑笑,抱着最软弱的记忆 是你 拜拜,挥去要掉下 的泪滴 原来这是对爱 最痛最美丽的方式 Someday,sometime when I have seen your face 难道,要闭眼前才再见 —场大雨—场泪 痛倒 痛澈了心扉 如果一刻能撑到永久 会是谁来陪我到最后 天上人间 记忆重重 不要放在七十年后 白发苍苍才来回眸 Someday,sometime when I have seen your face 谁能把时间当作拥有 —场大雨—场泪 痛倒 痛到心憔悴 如果—刻能撑到永久 会是你来陪我到最后 天上人间来往匆匆 不要放在七十年后 走到尽头来牵着手 如果那刻能撑到永久 会是你来陪我到最后 天上人间来往匆匆 不要 放在七十年后 白发苍苍才来回眸 在梦里彼岸的守候 Labels: music entertainment bugg 0 comments |