the BOX of nice things |
22 December, 2008 . 2:21 PM
'lobby' service Was so excited yesterday!!! The cashier forgot to remove the safety tag of a customer and our asst supervisor sent me with another colleague to do so at her hotel! Walking out of Mango was incredulous~ Imagine Sunday night, christmas carols, acrobats and party people everywhere. The whole place was so ALIVE! Thought we could go up to her hotel room and explore a little more, however the lobby peeps called her and she came down. Awww~ We could only render 'lobby' service, no more exploring of hotel rooms... Nevertheless, the hotel has very nice interiors. Especially that jellyfish-lool-alike chandelier! And there were cute angmohs at the hotel's pub when we were there` If only Robert Pattinson was there too~~~ Labels: mini mini adventures 0 comments17 December, 2008 . 11:47 PM
Dugong ![]() Don't they have the kindest look... Labels: very random 0 comments16 December, 2008 . 12:11 AM
project pocket money 好巧,某种情况下让我回到那时候的post。原来已经过了快要1年。 Been so busy the past week have not had the time to come online. It seems consumerism have dropped drastically due to the poor economy climate. Compared to previous year, this season seems rather 冷清. Everyone has not much to do and are pretty much finding every chance (away from the supervisors' eyes) chatting with everyone else. Even one of the security guards came and shared his juicy story! Conclusion: I am being paid well for doing almost nothing!!! Wahahahaha~ Ooooo I get to check out cute girls too and there are so many of them this season! Money money come come` Physically fit`Physically fit`Physically Physically Physically fit` Labels: very random 0 comments08 December, 2008 . 12:18 PM
问候歌 最近有位朋友搬家…我没被通知…失去联络…不管他看不看得到就献下一首问候歌给他… 啊 朋友们请听呀听呀听呀祝福你要幸福哦! 0 comments 05 December, 2008 . 1:37 AM
乌龙 of the day Wlao` Waituck messaged me yesterday asking if I want to meet them to go for the lab training together today. In the sms, he wrote: interchange berth 96. Being over-glad that there will be someone to lead the way for the training, of course I replied: Okay! Then this morning I went all the way down to Harbourfront interchange before the arranged time and looked for 96 berth. Don't have leh~ Just then Geok Leng called, so I asked her... GL: The berth is all the way at the end of the interchange near a narrow staircaseSo I waited and waited... then after a while Waituck called. WT: Wru? I'm reachng...Lucky Labels: friends stay with you, mini mini adventures 0 comments |