the BOX of nice things |
20 March, 2009 . 12:27 AM
for the month of march This is scary! My last entry is half a month back! There is definitely no lack of events to update. But there is never sufficient time to do so... Come to think of it, my poor laptop was lying innocently on my table for the whole of last 2 weeks? Dang! Time passes with such subtlety. Much have happened since 1st of March. It is already 20th! Come on! Allow me some time to recall... (Not in chronological order) Attachment Check out Jimman's birthday present and my V-day middle finger project... ![]() Room of my life Days without the messy-big-sister around to wreck the room, the make-over of my table top... I helped to pack her table a bit too ok! ![]() Post IA trip planning After all the planning to go Taiwan and all, we finally decided that it is not within our budget and thus gave up all hopes of it. There were some unhappiness going around before the meet-up... Bwah... Shall not bring it up again. Carl's Jr dinner Girls outing it was, where everyone laughed like mad the whole night. I will never forget how mag almost spilled the drinks the first time and REALLY spilled it the second, all over her and me. Basically we all screamed a bit and qi was the only one there who was super calm and trying to hide her face. There was also the "Korean Madness" madness~ Check out the video below! NTU open house Encounter of weird weird youngsters, who return you the freebies and take only the phamplet. Many many styles of them doing it too. And then, of course, there is the rush for GOODIES BAG as usual. A bit disappointed though, because this year's goodie bag only has a packet of mee goreng which does not look very enticing. The pencil case material sucks too, though I must applaud the person who designed it. There was also free food, pens, caps, etc... ![]() Gossip night Had korean dinner with my bonnie at the food court waiyee had recommended since so long ago. A good advice would be never order what you feel you can swallow because at the end of the day, you will end up too full, but still trying to gorge finish the food. And then finally met up with Pam after so long... By all means had to squeeze out all the juicy bits about her and her new boy. We went Acid Bar hoping to hear our favorite duo, but nope. We shifted to Youth Park for supper. The teens there can really dance! and cannot really skate. =X (As I see them try all sorts of stunts, I vividly remember my first time on a skateboard myself... *shivers*) Beef noodle Got to eat the beef noodle from my favorite stall. Nostalgic place as it is, the food is fantastic! Nice catching up session too. Akashi dinner Just today... A pity esther had to leave earlier. And the rest could not join us. It was good that dinner was not at Engin -.-" ![]() Should be about all for now... Still got a very belated soup spoon dinner with no thanks to someone in particular whom I do not feel like mentioning. And the very cute "Sua bean" auntie at clementi market. (She was actually referring to SOYA bean, but very fast.) Not sure if I left anything out. Hopefully will be able to be back with updates soon. ^-^ Labels: as an intern, friends stay with you, mini mini adventures 0 commentsComments: |