the BOX of nice things |
28 February, 2009 . 6:21 PM
new experience This is something I did myself using mummy's sewing machine the other day... Look at how sucky the workmanship is. Hahaha... Have to practice like don't know how many times before she finally let me sew the actual thing. All these just to sew one small velcro on my bag. Basically the sewing machine not that easy to use. Need to learn how to run the thread through various holes and hooks of it, be cautious when stepping on the pedal, have to press a catch to sew backward or step backwards on the pedal to cut the thread... No sweat 才怪! And then this is what my mummy did for me today. Within the same amount of time as I used for the velcro. No trial, no error. One time go. The difference between GOT experience and NO experience. She is ZAI man! Introducing my new handphone: G705 (Tadah~)! Love the wi-fi experience. It's really good. Can even watch youtube on it too. Facebook, gmail, ebuddy, blah blah blah... It is lighter and it is a slide phone! Only bad thing is the camera do not have auto-focus like my good old K800i. And the new keypad still needs some getting used to. Imma happy girl~ (: Labels: blood runs thicker than water, precious lesson to learn 1 comments19 February, 2009 . 12:11 AM
this and that Finally settled my school fees... And I got to buy the new phone that I wanted! Wi-Fi~ (: Now I can't wait for them to deliver it to my door step. Song on my head whole of today: Labels: me myself and i 0 comments17 February, 2009 . 9:53 PM
taiwan no more Ultra ultra sad... Yesterday just see jetstar got offer to go taiwan half of the price they have now... Today the offer price no more. Wtf. How I wish I can pack my bag and just go. Next time see they got such good deals must on the spot take! Cannot wait! Now probably will have to wait for another better deal to come by... Save up the money in the mean time... Labels: precious lesson to learn 0 comments08 February, 2009 . 1:51 AM
words can hurt Perhaps giving a little more thought into writing something that is going to get published for everyone to read? Labels: you are weird 0 comments06 February, 2009 . 12:13 AM
pervert on bus Yucks. Today on the bus home saw a PERVERT AH PEK (a.k.a. TIKOPEK)!!!! We were alighting the bus. Then this tikopek was seated while the lady in front of me was stuck in the centre aisle waiting to go down the double deck bus. When she walked to the side of the tikopek, he's eyes NEVER left her!!!! It was super TURN OFF! First thing, I do admit the girl in front of me is really pretty, not those model kind of pretty, but those next-door-girl kind of pretty. Last thing, the tikopek is REALLY OLD. Old fart... the way he was looking at her... oh man! He looked up at the face, and slowly moved his gaze down the figure of the girl, and up again. The look on his face was evident that he was enjoying every second of it. WHAT-THE-HELL !@#$%^&* Think the girl felt it... She was cowering to the other side of the narrow aisle. Poor her. I got the best view of the whole incident 'cause I was just behind her. Was too disgusted for words, all I managed was a "Plurghhhh" noise. But the uncle ignore me and continue staring. PERVERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ugh! The more I think of it the more turn off.... *pukes* Labels: very random 0 comments02 February, 2009 . 10:43 PM
wants a new phone Want, but not need. It's not that I want to use the newest latest phone or what, but my old phone is dyinggggggggggg! Aside from a retarded joystick that selects when you want to scroll, the battery is getting cranky too. Empty battery takes 1 second of charging to be 90% full. And when you leave it to charge properly for a long enough time, you can only use it for a day before the battery dies again. So when I forget to bring my handphone the next time you try to find me, it is not because I am forgetful ok. It's just that even when I have it with me, the battery can barely survive the day. It is always orange, red or NO bar of battery these few days. So basically carrying THE phone is almost pointless for me. Dear Tee Gong, In the mean time I will try to survive with my current lao kok kok one... Labels: technology geek 0 comments . 8:52 PM
子孙满堂 ![]() Labels: blood runs thicker than water 0 comments |